
  • 2023-2025 Master programme in Fine Arts, Konstfack.
  • 2022 (Exchange semester) The Royal Danish Art Academy. 
  • 2020-2023 Bachelor programme in Fine Arts, HDK-Valand, Academy of Art and Design. 
  • 2019-2020 Gerlesborgsskolan Bohuslän. Foundation year, Fine arts


Selected group exhibitions:

2024, Inuti Eken, Södra Gårda (SE)

2024, HOT BOX, På Sergels torg (SE)

2024 , like it shouldn’t be here, Havet Konstfack (SE) 

2023 Droppens Riktning, Havet Konstfack (SE)

2023 Shared Imaginations KUNO Biennial, Titanikas (LT)

2023 Unknown Forces Gibca Extended, Detriti (SE)

2023 Origo, Konstepidemin (SE)

2023 Spring Break, Galleri Thomassen (SE)

2022 Dear, my Dear, Kunstforeningen LISA Hoydalar (FO)

2022 Allt som blir kvar ~ Allt som ska bli,  Rotor 2 (SE) 

2022 Mentally I’m Here/ Varse vol. I, Vulkano (SE)

2022 Rundgang, The Royal Danish Art Academy (DK) 

2022 Habit has a Kind of Poetry,  Nordstan shopping mall (SE)

2021 Utsnitt, Kronhuset (SE)

2021 My ship is coming loaded with deceit (Gibca Extended), Rotor 2 (SE)

2021 It’s (a) live. Galleri 54 (SE)

2020 Decembersalong, Göteborgs Konstförening (SE)

2020 Vårutställning. Gerlesborgsskolan (SE)

2020 Göteborgs feministiska teaterfestival (SE)

2019 Kulturnatta, Konstepidemin (SE)


Solo Exhibitions:

2023 Skimmer, Galleri Monitor (SE)

2022 Sovstad / en hinna / en dröm, Peep Show Galleri 54 (SE)



2023 Skälens Tunga, Göteborgs Konsthall 100- års festivalen

2021 It’s (a) live. Galleri 54, (SE)

2021 My ship is coming loaded with deceit (Gibca Extended), Galleri Rotor2 (SE)


Residences & Publications:

2023 Mun mot mun, rygg mot rygg och Konstkritikens gränser Paletten Nr. 334

2023 Skälens Tunga, Paletten Nr. 332-333

2022 Residens Vrångsholmen, (SE)

2021 It’s (a) live at Galleri 54, residency (SE)


Curatorial projects:

2024 Curator and organizer for Inuti Eken, an outdoor group exhibition with 10 national and international artists in a demolition-threatened housing district, Southern Gårda in Gothenburg. Together with Moa Hjärtström and Ninni Nylén.

2024 Curator and organizer for the residency Längs hela hjärtats kant, collaboration as an artistic practice at Galleri 54. Project together with Moa Hjärtström.

2022 VARSE vol. 2, Varse toaletten, curation of three solo shows in a basement toilet at Valand together with Moa Hjärtström

2022 VARSE vol. 1, Mentally I’m Here, at Vulkano with Moa Hjärtström and Runa Rosgaard


Teaching and other:

2023 Workshop facilitator for the text workshop Dream Diary Between___ during the Kuno biennial at Vilnius Art Academy, (with artist Moa Hjärtström)

2023 Workshop facilitator for the text workshop Dream Diary Between___ at Galleri 54, (with artist Moa Hjärtström) 

2022-2023 Assisting Mentor for year 1 and 2 at Gerlesborgsskolan Bohuslän, preparatory art school

2022 Workshop facilitator for the workshop Ett hus at Residens Vrångsholmen (with artist Moa Hjärtström)

2022 Workshop facilitator for a student based critique-class for painting and painterly practices at HDK-Valand

2022-2023 Student representative in the educational- and the department council at HDK-Valand



2024 Eva och Hugo Bergmans minnesfond, Konstakademin

2024 Gustaf och Ida Unmans donationsfond

2023 Eric Ericsons stiftelse

2023 Otto & Charlotte Mannheimers fond

2022 Gustaf Söderbergs Stiftelse 

2022 Stiftelsen AAA

2022 Makarna Lindqvists donationsfond

2022 Otto & Charlotte Mannheimers fond 

2022 Kulturungdom K-Pengar

2022 Adlerbertska stipendiet

2022 Anna Whitlocks minnesfond 

2021 Otto & Charlotte Mannheimers fond 

2021 Adlerbertska stipendiet

2021 Makarna Lindqvist donationsfond